The Cambridge Candle


Vol. 1, No. 1

November/December 1998


In this Issue...

Gallery Listings

Gallery Listings
Art  by Wayne Barron

Unsung Hero

Unsung Hero
Photo by Lawrence Prift

Wild Life Preserve
Wild Life Preserve

Cartoon by Hans Rickheit

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Dangerous Crossings
Photo by Lawrence Prift

End of Two

End of Two Homes
Art by Jan Burger

A Glimpse of
A Glimpse of CAOS

Photo by Niels Burger

A Brief History
of "Save Central
History of Save Central Square

Photo by Lawrence Prift

Art by Jan Burger

But wait, there's more:

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The Cambridge Candle is published by Cambridge Newsgroup, Inc. • PO Box 391109 • Cambridge MA • 02139



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