The Cambridge Candle


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The Cambridge Candle™ is
published by:
Cambridge Newsgroup, Inc. • PO Box 391109 • Cambridge MA • 02139


The Cambridge Candle
gladly accepts advertising and welcomes your business.

Your advertisement in The Cambridge Candle reaches readers who live and work in every neighborhood and region of Cambridge.

Readers are city residents, students, university professors and staff, local business people, housewives, long-term residents, new arrivals -- and anyone else who lives, works, and regularly spends time in Cambridge.

The Cambridge Candle is designed to be a paper that people want to pick up, read, and keep.

In each issue, The Cambridge Candle covers stories of real interest to people in neighborhoods throughout Cambridge. Recent articles have highlighted local “heroes” and covered issues of traffic and accidents in the city, zoning and housing, city council debates, and other topics that interest people city-wide. Most contributors are city residents with roots throughout Cambridge.

The Cambridge Candle also features the local art scene, and includes photographs, wood cuts, and other elements that make it more than “just another newspaper.”

The Cambridge Candle is distributed throughout Cambridge, both door-to-door and in numerous businesses, coffee-houses, restaurants, and other locations that accept reading materials for distribution. Papers are replenished at popular spots throughout the month.

For more information about how to advertise with The Cambridge Candle please call 491-2520 and leave a message. Or, if it’s easier for you, send us email and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks again for your interest in advertising with The Cambridge Candle.


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